Thursday, July 10, 2008

How to Increase Blog Readership

Simple, easy to follow steps to make sure your blog numbers rise

There are literally millions of blogs out there. How can one stand out over the others? The following provides tips on how to boost readership, and maximize ad revenue

There are hundreds of millions of blogs and like the universe, they’re expanding.

Fortunately, there millions more who are readers. So, how does one carve a tiny portion of cyberspace out of this enormous juggernaut? Here, in no particular order, is how to gain a wider audience for a blog, for any particular area of art or expertise and who knows? maybe some Google Ad revenue along the way.

1. Register a unique URL. Nobody is going to remember It’s $10 well-spent and can be attached to a primary email as a signature. It’s also helpful when creating a brand.

2. Blog often. Infrequently updated blogs are soon relegated to Google’s backwaters.

3. Have unique content, but not too arcane that it’s alienating.

4. Submit a blog to as many blog search engines as possible. These include, but are not limited to, Technorati, Yahoo and Google. In fact, a veritable cottage industry has sprung up, of competing and/or niche blog internet search engines. Have a knitting blog? Submit it to an Arts & Crafts subsection of a search engine and compare traffic to similarly-themed blogs. They typically request a button be placed on a site.

5. Post interesting pictures. A sizable portion of readership will happen upon sites while looking for something completely different. Who knows? They may like what they see and stick around.

6. Make it easy for readers to subscribe to an RSS feed. This tool allows readers who are fans, to know when the site’s been updated.

7. Create a blogroll. What’s this? It’s simply a link to friends. Have a blog about beer? Check out who else does, whether it’s brewers, aficionados or sellers of beer-related merchandise and particularly those with high traffic or high quality. Befriend them. Post on their site. Ask about a reciprocal link. These are usually mutually beneficial and bloggers are typically more than welcome to sign on and vice versa.

8. Read a lot of blogs and post a lot of comments. This helps Google ‘searchability’.

9. Allow open comments from readers. Don’t restrict what they can post. People like to read what others have written in response to blogs and like to participate. This should be encouraged.

10. Be timely. Did some celebrity do something stupid over the weekend? Have a blog commentary ready for Monday morning. Don’t delay, as the crest of the media flood will be missed.

11. Create content. Happen to notice a funny sign coming home from work? Perhaps some glaring grammatical error or some really clever bit of ad copy. Take a photo and upload it. There is a popular humor blog devoted to, of all things, unnecessary quotation marks. Play a musical instrument, or have a pet that does amazing tricks? Again, take a video and upload it.

12. At the end of each posting, allow readers to ‘Digg’, ‘Stumbleupon’ or ‘’ the blog. These are social bookmarks that give readers an opportunity to ‘flag’ what they like. If it’s popular enough, a posting could spread through cyberspace like a wanton brushfire.

13. Facebook. As with the above, add a Facebook link to the bottom of a blog which allows readers to post content onto their sites.

14. Use ads sparingly. There is nothing more annoying than a site overwhelmed by ads distracting the reader from the content.

15. Choose blog titles wisely. For the purposes of Google searches, it can’t afford to be too clever. But at the same time, it has to attract eyeballs with something catchy.

16. Be open. For better or for worse, we live in a confessional world. The seemingly mundane goings on of south Illinois farm life may be of interest to an urbanite in San Francisco.

17. Label posts. Just return from an incredible trip to Rome? Have an amazing recipe for veggie lasagna? Taking language classes? Label them ‘Italian’. Readers can keep track of whatever topics have been blogged about, and find earlier posts done on the same topic.

18. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, WRITE WELL. At the end of the day, quality counts and it’ll have people coming back for more.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Getting Rich the Scientific Way

Now what is the science, what are the principles of getting rich? The major principle, I believe, is a natural law which states that ‘like causes always produces like effects’. Therefore the people in this world who are rich, become and remain rich because they are doing things in a particular way whether consciously or unconsciously. Those who are not doing things in this particular way, will remain poor no matter how hard or how long they work or how capable they are. This principle eliminates the excuse that the environment is why many are not rich. You see too many persons from poor backgrounds are rich or are becoming rich for this excuse to be true. It also eliminates the idea that doing things a particular way is only for persons with talent. No, no, no this can’t be it for there are many, many persons who possess great talent who continue to be poor, whilst others with little or no talent are getting rich every day. Let me repeat getting rich is the result of doing things a particular way. So if you are a plumber and other plumbers in your area are getting rich from plumbing while you are not then it will be because you are not doing things in the same way that the other plumbers are doing them.

The next principle is one that has over the last year or so, and still is, been getting a lot of attention. It is called The law of attraction and it has been made famous by Rhonda Byrnes' book and DVD ‘The Secret’ which was featured on CNN and Oprah among other media programs. This principle states ‘Thoughts Become Things’. You see our world and everything in it first began with a thought. The thoughts that we think are emitted vibrations broadcasted into the universe, attracting to them vibrations of the same frequency which manifest what we come to see and experience in our physical world as our current reality. Man cannot shape a thing until he has first, thought that thing.

So if a person has the thought of a kitchen of a certain design and this thought is in line with the same frequency in the universe, it may not cause the kitchen to just instantly appear, but it would set in motion events and creative processes that will bring about the building of the kitchen to the specific design. For this reason it is important for us to communicate our thoughts to the universe if we are to cause the creation, or formation of the thing we think about.

The third principle is ‘The Law of Gratitude’ which is nothing more than giving thanks to God for his gifts. The more grateful we are as we focus our mind on God when good things come our way the more good things we will receive and the more quickly they will come. Gratitude draws our mind into closer link with God and His blessing. Many are kept in poverty by their lack of gratitude. If you consistently and truthfully express your gratitude and it is strong enough then God’s reaction will also be consistent, strong and continuous. The things you want always be moving toward you. When you live your life with gratitude you will find yourself focused on only the best and in turn this will bring to you only the best. Waste no time thinking or talking about the faults and flaws of others or even in you. Work instead on cultivating the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you and give God thanks.

The fourth principle is that of Visualization of your desire and its attainment. You cannot transmit an idea unless you have it yourself. Visualization is about forming and holding a clear and definite mental picture of what it is you want. If it is you desire a brand new car, then it’s not good enough to visualize any old car. You must be more specific, in fact be as specific as possible. So instead you must see in your minds eye the car you want, the make and model, how it feels on the road, the colour, size of the wheel, its features, and even how you will feel driving it.

You must see the thing you want as they already exists, take possession of it in faith believing it is already yours and do not waiver for a moment in the faith that it is real.

The fifth principle is Personal Action. This arguably the second most important principle in the Science of Getting Rich for without action all your thoughts will mean and attain nothing. You must take definite action now. Your personal action, however, must be of such that you can rightly receive what you want when it comes. It makes no sense to desire something and not take some action towards its attainment, this will only lead to frustration leaving you feeling discouraged. There is a quote which says “He who desires but acts not breeds pestilence”. The way you think brings things to you but your by actions you receive them. You must act in a particular way such that you can appropriate what is yours when it comes to you. It does not matter what your situation is, whether it be favourable or not, you must not delay taking action. Wait not for favourable conditions. When you take personal action, do so with no thought of yesterday or tomorrow as your present action will be divided in your mind making you ineffective. So put your whole mind and body into the present action. Take action where you are now.

The last principle is that of Getting in the Right Business. You will do best in that business for which your abilities are best suited. That means it will be easier to succeed if you are in a business for which you are well equipped with the skills and mental tools. Bear in mind, however, that you can get rich in any business even if you do not possess the necessary talents because you can develop the skills needed as you go along. Also you can get rich most satisfactorily if you do that which you want to do. Doing what you want to do is at the core of what life is about. Now if you are in a business or situation that you do not want to be in but you have ‘no choice’ due to some obligation or responsibility like children to support, then do what you have to do. You can make the doing of it pleasing by knowing (reminding yourself) that it is making it possible for you to get to the doing of what you want to do. By making constructive use of the business you are already in and working in a particular way, you can get into the business you want. Always start from where you are.

The science of getting rich gives you the courage and the power to handle any circumstance that may obstruct your progress towards getting rich. Once you follow and obey the principles you cannot fail to get rich. Practice the instructions and you will surely get rich and you will do so in exact proportion to the definiteness of your vision, the fixity of your purpose, the steadiness of your faith and the depth of your gratitude.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Malaysian Money In Ringgit

Here is a website to become millionares. Here.

Relaxing surfing and getting paid.